Shortcodes Kakina PRO

Kakina PRO support all WooCommerce Shortcodes. You can follow WooCommerce documentation or install WooCommerce shortcodes plugin that will help you with editing shortcodes.

Kakina PRO contains Shortcode generator that will help you edit all WooCommerce shortcodes and add many more. The Shortcode generator is Pre-Packaged. Click the link Begin installing plugins, after theme install, within the notifier located at the top of admin page. Install and activate this plugin.

Themes4WP shortcodes Generator adds a button to your WYSIWYG, allowing for quick addition of shortcodes.




[recent-posts category=”3″ posts=”3″ excerpt=”15″ columns=”3″]
Parameter Type Default Options
category Integer “” *
posts Integer 6 *
excerpt Integer 25 *
columns Integer 3 *


recent posts



[posts-inline category=”3″ posts=”4″ excerpt=”20″]
Parameter Type Default Options
category Integer “” *
posts Integer 4 *
excerpt Integer 25 *


posts inline

[posts-carousel category=”3″ per_page=”8″ columns=”3″ excerpt=”15″]
Parameter Type Default Options
category Integer “” *
per_page Integer 6 *
excerpt Integer 25 *
columns Integer 3 *


posts carousel


[contact-form-7 title=”Contact form 1″]
Parameter Type Default Options
title string “” *


[wysija_form id=”3″]
Parameter Type Default Options
id Integer “” *





[product-carousel category=”98,112,116″ order=”DESC” per_page=”20″ columns=”4″]
Parameter Type Default Options
category Integer “” Blank = All, Set IDs to a comma separated list of category IDs to only show those
order String ASC ASC, DESC
per_page Integer 6 *
columns Integer 3 *
[custom-products-carousel category=”98,112,116″ order=”DESC” per_page=”20″ columns=”4″]
Parameter Type Default Options
ids Integer “” Set IDs to a comma separated list of products IDs
order String ASC ASC, DESC
orderby String date date, title, ID, rand, none
columns Integer 3 *

products carousel

[product-slider category=”112″ per_page=”4″]
Parameter Type Default Options
category Integer “” *
per_page Integer 6 *

product slider

[category-carousel include=”115,112,116″ orderby=”id” order=”DESC” per_page=”4″ columns=”4″ hide_empty=”0″]
Parameter Type Default Options
include Integer “” Blank = All, Set IDs to a comma separated list of category IDs to only show those
exclude Integer “” Set IDs to a comma separated list of category IDs to exclude (include must be blank)
orderby String Name Name, Id, Slug, Count, None
order String ASC ASC, DESC
per_page Integer 6 *
columns Integer 3 *
parent Integer “” *
hide_empty Integer 0 0=No, 1=Yes

category carousel


[custom-category category=”98″ button_text=”Go »” cat_excerpt=”250″]
Parameter Type Default Options
category Integer “” *
button_text String Shop Now » *
cat_excerpt Integer 200 *



For default WooCommerce Shortcodes wisit WooCommerce Documentation